Markdown Guide

broken image

Markdown is a simple way to format text that looks great on any device. It doesn't do anything fancy like change the font size, color, or type — just the essentials, using keyboard symbols you already know. It's no secret that we're big fans of Markdown at Ghost.We built our editor to work with Markdown directly! Once you get the hang of Markdown, it's an incredibly powerful writing tool which will allow you to write rich content for the web far faster than almost any other method. Welcome to markdown-guide's documentation! Edit on GitHub Markdown is a lightweight markup language, originally created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz allowing people 'to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

  1. The Markdown Guide
  2. Markdown Guide Cheat Sheet
  3. Markdown Guide Python
  4. Markdown Guide Github
  1. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elementstoplaintexttextdocuments.CreatedbyJohnGruberin2004,Markdownis nowoneoftheworld'smostpopularmarkuplanguages.
  2. The Ultimate Markdown Guide. Once you get the hang of Markdown, it's an incredibly powerful writing tool which will allow you to write rich content for the web far faster than almost any other method. To get to that point, however, there's a little bit of a learning curve.

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018 - TFS 2015


To view the content available for your platform, make sure that you select the correct version of this article from the version selector which is located above the table of contents. Feature support differs depending on whether you are working from Azure DevOps Services or an on-premises version of Azure DevOps Server, renamed from Team Foundation Server (TFS).
To learn which on-premises version you are using, see What platform/version am I using?

Here you can find some basic Markdown syntax guidance and specific guidance for using Markdown in Azure DevOps features. You can use both common Markdown conventions and GitHub-flavored extensions.

Having the right guidance at the right time is critical to success. Use Markdown to add rich formatting, tables, and images to your project pages, README files, dashboards, and pull request comments.

For additional syntax that's supported for Wiki pages, see Wiki Markdown guidance.

You can provide guidance in the following areas using Markdown:


Markdown guided tutorial

Rich Markdown rendering in code repositories is supported for TFS 2018.2 and later versions. You can create rich files in the code repositories. The Markdown rendering of the MD files in code repositories supports HTML tags, block quotes, emojis, image resizing, and mathematical formulas. There is parity in Markdown rendering in Wiki and MD files in code.


With TFS 2017.1, welcome pages, the Markdown widget on team dashboards, and the Definition of Done on Kanban boards no longer supports file links in their Markdown. As a workaround, you can include your file link as text in the Markdown.

The Markdown Guide


Not all Markdown syntax is supported across all features. Each section in this article identifies the features the syntax is supported with the Supported in line.


Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Structure your comments using headers. Headers segment longer comments, making them easier to read.

Start a line with a hash character # to set a heading. Organize your remarks with subheadings by starting a line with additional hash characters, for example ####. Up to six levels of headings are supported.



Paragraphs and line breaks

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Make your text easier to read by breaking it up with paragraphs or line breaks.


Rich Markdown rendering in code repositories is supported for TFS 2018.2 and later versions. You can create rich files in the code repositories. The Markdown rendering of the MD files in code repositories supports HTML tags, block quotes, emojis, image resizing, and mathematical formulas. There is parity in Markdown rendering in Wiki and MD files in code.


With TFS 2017.1, welcome pages, the Markdown widget on team dashboards, and the Definition of Done on Kanban boards no longer supports file links in their Markdown. As a workaround, you can include your file link as text in the Markdown.

The Markdown Guide


Not all Markdown syntax is supported across all features. Each section in this article identifies the features the syntax is supported with the Supported in line.


Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Structure your comments using headers. Headers segment longer comments, making them easier to read.

Start a line with a hash character # to set a heading. Organize your remarks with subheadings by starting a line with additional hash characters, for example ####. Up to six levels of headings are supported.



Paragraphs and line breaks

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Make your text easier to read by breaking it up with paragraphs or line breaks.

In pull request comments, select Enter to insert a line break, and begin text on a new line.

In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces before the line break to begin a new paragraph, or enter two consecutive line breaks to begin a new paragraph.

In pull request comments, select Enter to insert a line break, and begin text on a new line. In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces before the line break to begin a new paragraph, or enter two consecutive line breaks to begin a new paragraph.

In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces before the line break to begin a new paragraph, or enter two line breaks consecutively to begin a new paragraph.

Example - pull request comment:

Result:Add lines between your text with the Enter key.This spaces your text better and makes it easier to read.

Example - Markdown file or widget:

Add two spaces before the end of the line.

Space is added in between paragraphs.


Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Quote previous comments or text to set the context for your comment or text.

Quote single lines of text with > before the text. Use many > characters to nest quoted text.Quote blocks of lines of text by using the same level of > across many lines.



Horizontal rules

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

To add a horizontal rule, add a line that's a series of dashes ---. The line above the line containing the --- must be blank.





Emphasis (bold, italics, strikethrough)

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

You can emphasize text by applying bold, italics, or strikethrough to characters:

  • To apply italics: surround the text with an asterisk * or underscore _
  • To apply bold: surround the text with double asterisks **.
  • To apply strikethrough: surround the text with double tilde characters ~~.

Combine these elements to apply emphasis to text.


There is no Markdown syntax that supports underlining text. Within a wiki page, you can use the HTML tag to generate underlined text. For example, underlined text yields underlined text.


There is no Markdown syntax that supports underlining text. Within a wiki page in TFS 2018.2 and later versions, you can use the HTML tag to generate underlined text. For example, underlined text yields underlined text.


There is no Markdown syntax that supports underlining text.



Use emphasis in comments to express strong opinions and point out corrections
Bold, italicized textBold, strike-through text

Supported in: Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Highlight suggested code segments using code highlight blocks.To indicate a span of code, wrap it with three backtick quotes (```) on a new line at both the start and end of the block. To indicate code inline, wrap it with one backtick quote (`).


Code highlighting entered within the Markdown widget renders code as plain preformatted text.





To install the Microsoft Cross Platform Build & Release Agent, run the following command: $ sudo npm install vsoagent-installer -g.

Within a Markdown file, text with four spaces at the beginning of the line automatically converts to a code block.

Set a language identifier for the code block to enable syntax highlighting for any of the supported languages in highlightjs, version v9.10.0.

Additional examples:


Supported in: Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Organize structured data with tables. Tables are especially useful for describing function parameters, object methods, and other data that havea clear name to description mapping. You can format tables in pull requests, wiki, and Markdown files such as README files and Markdown widgets.

  • Place each table row on its own line
  • Separate table cells using the pipe character |
  • The first two lines of a table set the column headers and the alignment of elements in the table
  • Use colons (:) when dividing the header and body of tables to specify column alignment (left, center, right)
  • To start a new line, use the HTML break tag (
    ) (Works within a Wiki but not elsewhere)
  • Make sure to end each row with a CR or LF.
  • A blank space is required before and after work item or pull request (PR) mentions inside a table cell.



Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3
Cell A1Cell A2Cell A3
Cell B1Cell B2Cell B3
second line of text


Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

Organize related items with lists. You can add ordered lists with numbers, or unordered lists with just bullets.

Ordered lists start with a number followed by a period for each list item. Unordered lists start with a -. Begin each list item on a new line. In a Markdown file or widget, enter two spaces before the line break to begin a new paragraph, or enter two line breaks consecutively to begin a new paragraph.

Ordered or numbered lists



  1. First item.
  2. Second item.
  3. Third item.

Bullet lists



  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Nested lists



  1. First item.
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  2. Second item.
    • Nested item 1
    • Nested item 2
    • Nested item 3


Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files

In pull request comments and wikis, HTTP and HTTPS URLs are automatically formatted as links. You can link to work items by entering the # key and a work item ID, and then choosing the work item from the list.

Avoid auto suggestions for work items by prefixing # with a backslash (). This action can be useful if you want to use # for color hex codes.

In Markdown files and widgets, you can set text hyperlinks for your URL using the standard Markdown link syntax:

When linking to another Markdown page in the same Git or TFVC repository, the link target can be a relative path or an absolute path in the repository.

Supported links for Welcome pages:

  • Relative path: [text to display](/
  • Absolute path in Git: [text to display](/folder/
  • Absolute path in TFVC: [text to display]($/project/folder/
  • URL: [text to display](

Supported links for Markdown widget:

  • URL: [text to display](

Supported links for Wiki:

  • Absolute path of Wiki pages: [text to display](/parent-page/child-page)
  • URL: [text to display](


Links to documents on file shares using file:// aren't supported on 2017.1 and later versions. This restriction has been implemented for security purposes.

For information on how to specify relative links from a Welcome page or Markdown widget, see Source control relative links.



Source control relative links

Links to source control files are interpreted differently depending on whether you specify them in a Welcome page or a Markdown widget. The system interprets relative links as follows:

  • Welcome page: relative to the root of the source control repository in which the welcome page exists
  • Markdown widget: relative to the team project collection URL base

For example:

Welcome pageMarkdown widget equivalent
/BuildTemplates/AzureContinuousDeploy.11.xaml/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam Fiber/_versionControl#path=$/Tfvc Welcome/BuildTemplates/AzureContinuousDeploy.11.xaml
./ Fiber/_versionControl#path=$/Tfvc Welcome/

Anchor links

Within Markdown files, anchor IDs are assigned to all headings when rendered as HTML. The ID is the heading text, with the spaces replaced by dashes (-) and all lower case. In general, the following conventions apply:

  • Punctuation marks and leading white spaces within a file name are ignored
  • Upper case letters are converted to lower
  • Spaces between letters are converted to dashes (-).



The syntax for an anchor link to a section...

The ID is all lower case, and the link is case-sensitive, so be sure to use lower case, even though the heading itself uses upper case.

You can also reference headings within another Markdown file:

In wiki, you can also reference heading in another page:


Supported in: Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

To highlight issues or make things more interesting, you can add images and animated GIFs to the following aspects in your pull requests:

  • Comments
  • Markdown files
  • Wiki pages

Use the following syntax to add an image:

The text in the brackets describes the image being linked and the URL points to the image location.



The path to the image file can be a relative path or the absolute path in Git or TFVC, just like the path to another Markdown file in a link.

  • Relative path: ![Image alt text](./image.png)

  • Absolute path in Git: ![Image alt text](/media/markdown-guidance/image.png)

  • Absolute path in TFVC: ![Image alt text]($/project/folder/media/markdown-guidance/image.png)

  • Resize image: IMAGE_URL =WIDTHxHEIGHT


    Be sure to include a space before the equal sign.

    • Example: ![Image alt text]($/project/folder/media/markdown-guidance/image.png =500x250)
    • It's also possible to specify only the WIDTH by leaving out the HEIGHT value: IMAGE_URL =WIDTHx

Checklist or task list

Supported in: Pull Requests | Wikis

Lightweight task lists are great ways to track progress on a list of todos as a pull request creator or reviewer in the PR description or in a wiki page. Select the Markdown toolbar to get started or apply the format to selected text.

You can Use [ ] or [x] to support checklists. Precede the checklist with either - or 1. (any numeral).

Example - Apply the task list Markdown to a highlighted list

After you've added a task list, you can check the boxes to mark items as completed. These actions are expressed and stored within the comment as [ ] and [x] in Markdown.

Example - Format a list as a task list



A checklist within a table cell isn't supported.

Supported in: Pull Requests | Wikis

In pull request comments and wiki pages, you can use emojis to add character and react to comments in the request. Enter what you're feeling surrounded by : characters to get a matching emoji in your text. The full set of emojis are supported.

Supported in: Pull Requests

In pull request comments, you can use emojis to add characters and react to comments in the request. Enter what you're feeling surrounded by : characters to get a matching emoji in your text. The full set of emojis are supported.



To escape emojis, enclose them using the ` character.




Ignore or escape Markdown syntax to enter specific or literal characters

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | Pull Requests | README files

Supported in: Definition of Done | Markdown widget | README files


To insert one of the following characters, prefix with a (backslash).

, backslash

`, backtick

_, underscore

{}, curly braces

[], square brackets

(), parentheses

#, hash mark

+, plus sign

-, minus sign (hyphen)

., period

!, exclamation mark

*, asterisk

Some examples on inserting special characters:

Enter to get

Enter _ to get _

Enter # to get #

Enter ( to get (

Enter . to get .

Enter ! to get !

Enter * to get *

Supported in: Pull Requests | README files | Wikis

In pull request comments and wiki pages, you can attach files to illustrate your point or to give more detailed reasoning behind your suggestions. To attach a file, drag and drop it into the comment field or wiki page edit experience. You can also select the paperclip in the upper right of the comment box or the format pane in wiki page.

In pull request comments, you can attach files to illustrate your point or to give more detailed reasoning behind your suggestions. To attach a file, drag and drop it into the comment field. You can also select the paperclip in the upper right of the comment box.


Attachments in pull requests is available with TFS 2017.1 and later versions.

If you have an image in your clipboard, you can paste it from the clipboard into the comment box or wiki page and it renders directly into your comment or wiki page.

Attaching non-image files creates a link to the file in your comment. Update the description text between the brackets to change the text displayed in the link.Attached image files render directly into your comment or wiki pages. After you save or update a comment or wiki page with an attachment, you can see the attached image and can select links to download attached files.

Attachments support the following file formats.

TypeFile formats
CodeCS (.cs), Extensible Markup Language (.xml), JavaScript Object Notation (.json), Hypertext Markup Language(.html, .htm), Layer (.lyr), Windows PowerShell script (.ps1), Roshal Archive (.rar), Remote Desktop Connection (.rdp), Structured Query Language (.sql) - Note: Code attachments aren't permitted in PR comments
Compressed filesZIP (.zip) and GZIP (.gz)
DocumentsMarkdown (.md), Microsoft Office Message (.msg), Microsoft Project (.mpp), Word (.doc and .docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx and .csv), and Powerpoint (.ppt and .pptx), text files (.txt), and PDFs (.pdf)
ImagesPNG (.png), GIF (.gif), JPEG (both .jpeg and .jpg), Icons (.ico)
VisioVSD (.vsd and .vsdx)
VideoMOV (.mov), MP4 (.mp4)


Not all file formats are supported within pull requests, such as Microsoft Office Message (.msg) files.

Mathematical notation and characters

Supported in: Pull Requests | Wikis

Both inline and block KaTeX notation is supported in wiki pages and pull requests. The following supported elements are included:

  • Symbols
  • Greek letters
  • Mathematical operators
  • Powers and indices
  • Fractions and binomials
  • Other KaTeX supported elements

To include mathematical notation, surround the mathematical notation with a $ sign, for inline, and $$ for block, as shown in the following examples:


This feature is supported within Wiki pages and pull requests for TFS 2018.2 or later versions.

Example: Greek characters


Example: Algebraic notation


Example: Sums and Integrals


Related articles

Much of what makes Markdown great is the ability to write plain text, and getgreat formatted output as a result. To keep the slate clean for the next author,your Markdown should be simple and consistent with the whole corpus whereverpossible.

We seek to balance three goals:

  1. Source text is readable and portable.
  2. Markdown files are maintainable over time and across teams.
  3. The syntax is simple and easy to remember.


  1. Headings
  2. Lists
  3. Code
  4. Links

Document layout

In general, most documents benefit from some variation of the following layout:

  1. # Document Title: The first heading should be a level one heading, andshould ideally be the same or nearly the same as the filename. The firstlevel one heading is used as the page </code>.</p></li><li><p><code>author</code>: <em>Optional</em>. If you'd like to claim ownership of the document orif you are very proud of it, add yourself under the title. However,revision history generally suffices.</p></li><li><p><code>Short introduction.</code> 1-3 sentences providing a high-level overview of thetopic. Imagine yourself as a complete newbie, who landed on your 'ExtendingFoo' doc and needs to know the most basic assumptions you take for granted.'What is Foo? Why would I extend it?'</p></li><li><p><code>[TOC]</code>: if you use hosting that supports table of contents, such as Gitiles,put <code>[TOC]</code> after the short introduction. See<code>[TOC]</code> documentation.</p></li><li><p><code>## Topic</code>: The rest of your headings should start from level 2.</p></li><li><p><code>## See also</code>: Put miscellaneous links at the bottom for the user who wantsto know more or didn't find what she needed.</p></li></ol><h2>Character line limit</h2><p>Obey projects' character line limit wherever possible. Long URLs and tables arethe usual suspects when breaking the rule. (Headings also can't be wrapped, butwe encourage keeping them short). Otherwise, wrap your text:</p><p>Often, inserting a newline before a long link preserves readability whileminimizing the overflow:</p><h2>Trailing whitespace</h2><p>Don't use trailing whitespace, use a trailing backslash.</p><p>The CommonMark spec decreesthat two spaces at the end of a line should insert a <code><br /></code> tag. However, manydirectories have a trailing whitespace presubmit check in place, and many IDEswill clean it up anyway.</p><p>Best practice is to avoid the need for a <code><br /></code> altogether. Markdown createsparagraph tags for you simply with newlines: get used to that.</p><h2>Headings</h2><h3>ATX-style headings</h3><p>Headings with <code>=</code> or <code>-</code> underlines can be annoying to maintain and don't fitwith the rest of the heading syntax. The user has to ask: Does <code>---</code> mean H1 orH2?</p><h3>Add spacing to headings</h3><p>Prefer spacing after <code>#</code> and newlines before and after:</p><p>Lack of spacing makes it a little harder to read in source:</p><h2>Lists</h2><h3>Use lazy numbering for long lists</h3><p>Markdown is smart enough to let the resulting HTML render your numbered listscorrectly. For longer lists that may change, especially long nested lists, use'lazy' numbering:</p><p>However, if the list is small and you don't anticipate changing it, prefer fullynumbered lists, because it's nicer to read in source:</p><h3>Nested list spacing</h3><h2 id='markdown-guide-cheat-sheet'>Markdown Guide Cheat Sheet</h2><p>When nesting lists, use a 4 space indent for both numbered and bulleted lists:</p><p>The following works, but it's very messy:</p><p>Even when there's no nesting, using the 4 space indent makes layout consistentfor wrapped text:</p><p>However, when lists are small, not nested, and a single line, one space cansuffice for both kinds of lists:</p><h2>Code</h2><h3>Inline</h3><p>`Backticks` designate <code>inline code</code>, and will render all wrapped contentliterally. Use them for short code quotations and field names:</p><p>Use inline code when referring to file types in an abstract sense, rather than aspecific file:</p><p>Backticks are the most common approach for 'escaping' Markdown metacharacters;in most situations where escaping would be needed, code font just makes senseanyway.</p><h3>Codeblocks</h3><p>For code quotations longer than a single line, use a codeblock:</p><h4>Declare the language</h4><p>It is best practice to explicitly declare the language, so that neither thesyntax highlighter nor the next editor must guess.</p><h4>Indented codeblocks are sometimes cleaner</h4><p>Four-space indenting is also interpreted as a codeblock. These can lookcleaner and be easier to read in source, but there is no way to specify thelanguage. We encourage their use when writing many short snippets:</p><h4>Escape newlines</h4><p>Because most commandline snippets are intended to be copied and pasted directlyinto a terminal, it's best practice to escape any newlines. Use a singlebackslash at the end of the line:</p><h4>Nest codeblocks within lists</h4><p>If you need a codeblock within a list, make sure to indent it so as to not breakthe list:</p><p>You can also create a nested code block with 4 spaces. Simply indent 4additional spaces from the list indentation:</p><h2>Links</h2><p>Long links make source Markdown difficult to read and break the 80 characterwrapping. <strong>Wherever possible, shorten your links</strong>.</p><h3>Use informative Markdown link titles</h3><p>Markdown link syntax allows you to set a link title, just as HTML does. Use itwisely.</p><p>Titling your links as 'link' or 'here' tells the reader precisely nothing whenquickly scanning your doc and is a waste of space:</p><p>Instead, write the sentence naturally, then go back and wrap the mostappropriate phrase with the link:</p><h2>Images</h2><p>Use images sparingly, and prefer simple screenshots. This guide is designedaround the idea that plain text gets users down to the business of communicationfaster with less reader distraction and author procrastination. However, it'ssometimes very helpful to show what you mean.</p><p>See image syntax.</p><h2>Prefer lists to tables</h2><p>Any tables in your Markdown should be small. Complex, large tables are difficultto read in source and most importantly, <strong>a pain to modify later</strong>.</p><p>Lists and subheadings usually suffice to present the same informationin a slightly less compact, though much more edit-friendly way:</p><h2 id='markdown-guide-python'>Markdown Guide Python</h2><p>However, there are times when a small table is called for:</p><h2 id='markdown-guide-github'>Markdown Guide Github</h2><h2>Strongly prefer Markdown to HTML</h2><p>Please prefer standard Markdown syntax wherever possible and avoid HTML hacks.If you can't seem to accomplish what you want, reconsider whether you reallyneed it. Except for big tables, Markdown meets almostall needs already.</p><p>Every bit of HTML or Javascript hacking reduces the readability and portability.This in turn limits the usefulness of integrations withother tools, which may either present the source as plain text or render it. SeePhilosophy.</p><p>Gitiles does not render HTML.</p><div> This site is open source. Improve this page. </div><br><br><br><br>

broken image